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Authority Solutions

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Authority Solutions




About Authority Solutions®

Authority Solutions® is an integrity-driven digital marketing agency that offers internet marketing services, focusing on SEO and web design. More than a standalone SEO or website design company, it offers strategies that produce top results.



Authority Solutions® is proud of its ability to create effective and profitable solutions that drive a strong return on investment for their clients' businesses. They achieve this through the following offerings:


Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing terms and phrases used in online searches to optimize a website or online content for search engines. This can provide a competitive advantage over the competition when applied to web design and search engine optimization. Search Engine Optimization


On-Page SEO

On-page optimization is the process of optimizing the content and HTML of a webpage to improve its ranking and attract relevant traffic in search engines. This is an important part of an SEO campaign as it helps improve search engine ranking, targeted traffic, and user experience.


Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to optimization techniques that are performed outside of a website to improve its ranking in search engines, such as building backlinks from reputable websites and other valuable online assets. This can improve search engine ranking and increase the credibility and authority of a website.


Web Design

Authority Solutions® helps its clients understand the need for a website that is easy for potential customers to view, understand, and navigate. They focus on both the visual appeal and functionality of the website, as well as the overall user experience.


Awards and Accolades

Over the years, the Internet Marketing experts of Authority Solutions® were recognized by several review bodies and business organizations all over the Internet.

Some of the notable articles highlighting Authority Solutions® rise as an industry leader in digital marketing, web design, and SEO include Entrepreneur’s feature on 24 Digital Marketing Agencies That Specialize in Entrepreneurship in 2017 and CIO Review’s Top 10 Google Marketing Consulting/Services Companies in 2019.

Underscored in the company’s success stories are the top rankings they have garnered across different local websites in the cities of Texas. This includes special features in Lisnic’s Top Rated SEO Agencies in Houston, Top Design Firms’ Top 100 SEO Agencies in Houston, GoodFirms’ Best SEO Companies in Texas and Clutch’s Top SEO Companies in Texas.


Company Timeline

Authority Solutions® started in December 2014. In May 2017, the Internet marketing service provider was named one of the 24 Digital Marketing Companies that Specialize in Entrepreneurship by Entrepreneur.com. Moreover, in 2018, they were highlighted as one of the Best Influencers by the SEO Intelligence Agency, one of the leading organizations in the field of SEO. And in 2020, the company bagged the Better Business Bureau Award for Excellence as a recognition for going above and beyond its industry peers. During 2020-2021 Authority Solutions® expanded office locations throughout Texas, opening in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth and San Antonio.


Service Areas & Offices

As a leading SEO service provider for nearly a decade, Authority Solutions® has built a strong reputation for its high-quality offerings. The company is headquartered in Houston, TX and has additional offices throughout the state in cities such as Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, and San Antonio. In addition to serving customers in Texas, Authority Solutions® also offers internet marketing services to clients across the United States:


  • Atlanta
  • Baltimore
  • Boston
  • Charlotte
  • Chicago
  • Cleveland
  • Denver
  • Jacksonville
  • Kansas City
  • Los Angeles
  • Miami
  • Minneapolis
  • Nashville
  • New Orleans
  • New York
  • Phoenix
  • Portland
  • Raleigh
  • San Diego
  • San Francisco
  • Seattle
  • Washington


Company Culture

At Authority Solutions®, the culture reflects the company's mission of providing comprehensive solutions while maintaining integrity. They prioritize healthy and manageable working relationships by maintaining a shared vision of delivering results for their clients. Every member of the agency values the opportunity to serve those who are dedicated to growing their businesses. Authority Solutions® is proud to foster a diverse and skilled team and values integrity as a key element of its success and growth.


Citations / Mentions:

Press Releases:







Publications / Online Magazine / Article:

CIO Magazine




Awards / Recognition (Top/Best Lists):

10 SEOs


Find Best SEO

10 Best SEO


Better Business Bureau

Find Top 10 Ranks

SEO Sandwitch




SEO Tribunal





Top SEO Agencies in Houston - https://wimgo.com/s/tx/houston/seo-agencies/


Houston SEO Directory

Best Marketing Firms in Houston - https://houstonseodirectory.com/seo-listings/lists/50-best-marketing-firms-in-houston/ ____________________________________________________________________________






External Links


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